2020-08-05 10:43 来源:福建炎黄纵横 作者:福建省非遗中心、省炎黄文化研究会











Q6: What are the basic features of intangible cultural heritage?

Answer: (a) Uniqueness: intangible cultural heritage usually exists as manifestation of arts or culture, reflects the unique creativity of the people of specific nations, countries or regions, and it may be in the forms of tangible outcome or behavior styles, ceremonies and customs, which are all distinct, unique and nonrenewable.

(b) Living state: intangible cultural heritage attaches great importance to human value, to living, dynamic and spiritual factors, to exquisiteness and ingenuity of technology and skills, to human creativity, and to the elements reflecting a nation’s emotion and expression style and the root, wisdom, thinking manner, world view, value and aesthetics related to their traditional culture. The presentation and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage both require language and behavior, and they are dynamic processes.

(c) Inheritance: from the diachronic point of view, inheritance of intangible cultural heritage mainly relies on transmission from generation to generation and, particularly, by way of oral teaching that inspires true understanding, and the termination of such inheritance activities would declare the death of specific intangible cultural heritage.

(d) Evolvement: from the synchronic point of view, dissemination of intangible cultural heritage to other nations, countries and regions may be achieved either by way of conscious teaching and learning activities or spontaneous mutual learning among different communities.

(e) Comprehensiveness: intangible cultural heritage is an organic component of life activities in each period of times, being outcome of the environment, culture and spirit in specific times, and it is related to the social life in one way or the other. Intangible cultural heritage is fundamentally created by the group and is distinct from the achievement restricted to specialized subjects or experts, which contributes to its comprehensiveness. Many intangible cultural heritages are usually related to tangible cultural heritages.

(f) Nationality: nationality demonstrates the character of specifically belonging to a certain nation, and it is reflected in the nation’s unique way of thinking, wisdom, world view, value, aesthetics, and expression of emotion.

(g) Regionalism: intangible cultural heritage is usually created in a specific region and tied to its environment. The special natural environment and ecology, cultural traditions, religions, beliefs, standards of production and living, day to day living habits, and customs all together determine the features and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. Departure from such regions, intangible cultural heritage will lose the soil and conditions where it pins its life, not to mention its protection, inheritance and development.


