2022-01-02 15:29 来源:福建炎黄纵横 作者:福建省非遗中心、省炎黄文化研究会




畲族历代对传统银器制作都极为重视,不断推进银器制作的发展。畲族银器工艺经过长期的发展,逐渐形成“操、凿、起、解、披”五大工艺手段,共有 30多道手工工序。在畲族银器制作技艺中, 福建福安叶氏“珍华堂”银雕技艺尤为突出,传承已近 200年。畲族银器制作工序包括熔银、打坯、雕刻、防腐等,工艺严谨考究,产品新颖、精致、生动。


Q84.What are the history and the technical features of the She ethnic group’s silver ware craft?

Answer: Silver ware has long been a part of the She people’s life, and can be seen in all sorts of She celebrations and ceremonies. Silver artifacts are also seen as proofs of the She families’ wealth. A perfect combination of traditional Chinese silver carving skills and the She culture, the silver wares reflect the wisdom of this group, the changes of its culture and the excellent craftsmanship of its silversmiths, therefore has high cultural, historical and artistic values.

Each She generation builds on previous heritages to further develop silver ware craft, gradually they accumulated 5 major types of techniques, being molding, rough chiseling, stripping mold, chiseling and carving, and refining. Over 30 steps are covered. Fu’an Zhenhuatang, run by the Ye family and has been in the trade for nearly 200 years, has the best She silverware craft. Fu’an silver ware craft dates back to the Ming dynasty, and is one of the best in Fujian. The processes are strict, and the artifacts are novel in design, delicate and vivid.

The current national level inheritors of She silver wares are Lin Shiyuan and Lin Lingxiang.


