2021-11-17 21:45 来源:福建炎黄纵横 作者:福建省非遗中心、省炎黄文化研究会




德化瓷的制作方法可分两种,一是选用优质的高岭土直接塑造成型,二是翻制模具后再注浆或拓印成型。德化瓷一般在土坯 干后再根据需要决定是否上釉,而后放入窑中,在超过 1000℃的高温中烧制出成品。其捏塑工艺精巧纤秀、造型逼真,在刻花、浮雕装饰上,工艺美与材质美相融合,呈现出名窑气质,尤其是白瓷制品浓淡分明、层次丰富、釉色乳白如凝脂,透光度极好。



Q78. What is the historical origin of Dehua Porcelain Firing and Manufacturing Skills and its artistic characteristics?

Answer: The manufacture of Dehua porcelain started in Tang and Song Dynasties and boomed in Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the distinct techniques are inherited until today. It is always an important item in China’s international trading activities, and it enjoys great fame around the world together with silk and tea, contributing to the spread of porcelain making skills and exchanges of Chinese and overseas cultures. In the Ming Dynasty, He Chaozong, a porcelain craftsman in Dehua, used local quality kaolin to make exquisite Dehua porcelain sculptures. Thanks to its distinct art style, the porcelain works were collected by European countries, and Dehua porcelain was reputed as Oriental Art Treasure and exported to Europe in the Qing Dynasty. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Dehua porcelain got a new life. Inheritance of the predecessors’ wonderful techniques and styles and innovation brought vigor and vitality to Dehua porcelain firing and manufacturing skills.

There are two ways to make Dehua porcelain: direct shaping the works with quality kaolin or shaping the works by way of molds and slip casting. For Dehua porcelain, usually it is decided whether to have glazing or not after the adobes are dried, then the adobes will be put into caves and burnt at the temperature of over 1,000 degrees centigrade to make final products. The kneading model techniques are delicate and they can make vivid patterns, on top of which the quality materials adds charms to the decorations of porcelain works.

As of today, the national inheritors of Dehua porcelain include Su Qinghe (deceased), Xu Ruifeng, Qiu Shuangjiong and Chen Mingliang.


