2022-05-12 11:19 来源:福建炎黄纵横 作者:福建省非遗中心、省炎黄文化研究会



答:石壁客家祭祖习俗是福建省宁化县客家人历代传承的民间祭祖活动。石壁客家祭祖始于明洪武(13681398)年间。作为北方移民,石壁客家各宗族在聚居地建造宗祠、家庙,至今保留 200余座,遍及全县 16个乡镇,是祭祖的中心场所。我国历史上客家人南迁多以宁化作为聚集地,因此宁化被海内外称为“客家祖地”,视为“客家摇篮”,民谚称“北有大槐树,南有石壁村”。


Q100. What is the history of the Shibi Hakka ancestor worship custom and the cultural connotations of worship activities?

Answer: The Shibi Hakka ancestor worship customs are passed down by generations. The earliest ritual was performed in the Ming dynasty. After so many years, the Hakka has now over 200 clan or family temples covering 16 towns and villages in Ninghua, providing places for ancestral worship. Ninghua, as the historical base camp for Hakka people migrated from the North, is dubbed cradle of the Hakka.


