答:建窑建盏是中国古代黑釉瓷的杰出代表。宋代建窑建盏是皇室御用的饮茶斗茶珍贵茶器。宋徽宗在《大观茶论》中说:“盏色贵青黑,玉毫条达者为上。”南宋时期,日本来我国留学的僧人曾从天目山把这种瓷器带到日本,因此称它为“天目”,于是习惯把黑釉瓷称为“天目瓷”。由于历史的变迁,建盏烧制技术失传已 800多年。中华人民共和国成立后,建窑建盏的传统手工技艺受到国内外学术界的广泛关注。20世纪 70年代,福建省开始实施恢复建窑建盏烧制技艺的实践。90年代初,南平星辰天目陶瓷研究所研发恢复了兔毫、鹧鸪斑、虹彩、金彩文字、油滴木叶等传统工艺。在此基础上,经过数万次坯釉配方调试,数千次烧成工艺改进,终使宋代曜变(曜星盏、毫变盏)的烧制技艺得以恢复,它标志着建窑建盏烧制技艺得到全面恢复。
烧制建盏要经过选矿、瓷矿粉碎、淘洗、配料、陈腐、练泥、揉泥、拉坯、修坯、素烧、上釉、装窑、焙烧、出窑等 13道工序。建窑建盏的釉色因烧成技术的不同,会产生不同的釉色效果,归纳起来,可划分为黑色釉、兔毫釉、鹧鸪斑釉、毫变釉和杂色釉5种类型。建窑建盏通常作为茶器,因其口大底深,边薄底厚,胎骨厚重,胎质粗松,故用来沏茶时茶汤久热难冷,易干不留渣,越宿不馊,具有良好的保温性和隔热性。建窑建盏制作同时兼有少量的高足杯、灯盏、罐、瓶等器型。
Q82.What are the history and the technical features of Jianzhan ware craft?
Answer: Jian wares from Jian kiln are representative black glazed potteries produced in ancient China. In the Song dynasty, Jian wares were used by the imperial family. Emperor Huizong once spoke highly of them in a book. In the Southern Song dynasty, Japanese monks brought home some black wares from Tianmu Mountain thus the wares were named Tenmoku in Japan. The technique was once lost in China for over 800 years, but it attracted attention both domestic and abroad in modern China. In the 1970s, Fujian started to reestablish processes used in Jian kiln to make Jian wares. In the early 1990s, Xingchen Tianmu Ceramics Institute of Nanping rediscovered ancient techniques of several basic special glaze effects. Based on those discoveries, tens of thousands of more trials were made in the formulations and processes, until eventually the ultimate Star effects were achieved, marking a total recovery of all Jian ware firing techniques.
Making Jian wares involves a 13-step process, including selecting and crashing raw mines, cleaning, formulating, making the dough, shaping, firing, glazing and so on. In general they are categorized as processing the raw material (including the dough and the glaze), forming the body, glazing and firing. Using different firing techniques can achieve different glaze effects, including black glaze, hare fur, partridge feathers, stars and variegated glaze. The majority of Jian wares are tea wares. Because of its shape and thick body, it can nicely retain heat and prevent finger burning. There are also some high-foot cups, candle holders, pots and vases in Jian wares.
The current national level inheritor of Jian wares is Sun Jianxing.