2021-10-25 10:26 来源:福建炎黄纵横 作者:福建省非遗中心、省炎黄文化研究会



答:梨园戏发源于宋元时期的泉州,距今已有 800多年历史。梨园戏广泛流播于福建泉州、漳州、厦门,广东潮汕及港澳台地区,还有东南亚各国闽南语系华侨居住地。 




Q73. What is the historical origin of Liyuanxi and its artistic characteristics?

Answer: Liyuanxi originated in Quanzhou of Song and Yuan Dynasties, and it has a history of over 800 years now. Liyuanxi is widely performed in Quanzhou, Zhangzhou and Xiamen of Fujian, Chaoshan of Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Southeast Asian countries where Minnan dialect speaking Chinese live.

Liyuanxi maintains many opera works in Southern China during Song and Yuan Dynasties, tunes and performance rules. It has three sects, namely Seven-player Troupe of Xiaoliyuan and Shanglu and Xianan of Daliyuan. Each sect has its own repertoire. Up to now, Liyuanxi still maintains original opera patterns, and it has a full set of distinct, strict performance forms such as basic actions, which must be followed by performers. Liyuanxi still maintains the accompanying music mainly performed by drums, Xiao and stringed instrument. The tunes of Liyuanxi originate from ancient music works in Jin and Tang Dynasties. Liyuanxi is performed in Quanzhou dialect, and it still uses some ancient tune names such as Mokedoule and Nichangyuyiqu. The musical instrument used in Liyuanxi, such as pipa, er’xian and drum, has unique features and performance methods.

As of today, the national inheritors of Liyuanxi are Xu Tianxiang, Zeng Jingping, Chen Jimin, Wang Shengli and Cai Yazhi. 


