2021-07-06 10:26 来源:福建炎黄纵横 作者:福建省非遗中心、省炎黄文化研究会




中国木拱桥传统营造技艺采用原木材料,使用传统木建筑工具及手工技法,运用“编梁”等核心技术,以榫卯连接并构筑成稳固的拱架桥梁技艺体系。木拱桥的建造由一名木匠师傅统一指挥,其他木匠分工操作来完成。建造工艺按照严格的程序,通过师傅对徒弟的口传心授或是作为家族传统手艺而代代相传。这些家族在木拱桥的建造、维修和保护方面发挥着不可替代的作用。编梁木拱廊桥营造技艺现在主要流传在福建、浙江等地。闽浙建造编梁木拱廊桥历史悠久,造型丰富,数量众多,在国内同类廊桥建筑中独领风骚。编梁木拱廊桥源于唐代的木拱桥三条桥这一特殊类型,具有特殊的科技和历史研究价值,在中国造桥史上占有重要地位。全国保存下来的木拱廊桥有 100多座,在福建宁德境内有 54座,其中寿宁县有 19座保存完整、最具特色,堪称“中国之最”。屏南是现存廊桥较多的县域,现有廊桥 61座,其中木拱廊桥 15 (13座为古代木拱廊桥 )。作为传统建筑工艺的载体,木拱桥既是传播工具,也是传播场所。它们是当地居民重要的聚集场所,人们在木拱桥上交流信息、开展娱乐活动、举行祭拜仪式,从而沟通信息、加深感情,凸显民间文化交流的特征。


Q57.When was Traditional Design and Practices for Building Chinese Wooden Arch Bridges inscribed in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding? What is the intrinsic value?

Answer: Traditional Design and Practices for Building Chinese Wooden Arch Bridges was inscribed in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2009.

The traditional design and practices for building these bridges combine the use of wood, traditional architectural tools, craftsmanship, the core technologies of “beam-weaving” and mortise and tenon joints, and an experienced woodworker’s understanding of different environments and the necessary structural mechanics. The carpentry is directed by a woodworking master and implemented by other woodworkers. The craftsmanship is passed on orally and through personal demonstration, or from one generation to another by masters teaching apprentices or relatives within a clan in accordance with strict procedures. These clans play an irreplaceable role in building, maintaining and protecting the bridges. The craftsmanship of beam-weaving wooden arch bridges is currently prevailing in Fujian and Zhejiang. The building of beam-weaving wooden arch bridges in the two provinces has a long history, and the bridges are rich in design patterns and numbers, enjoying great reputation among its kind. Beam-weaving wooden arch bridge finds its origin in the wooden bridges of Tang Dynasty, and it occupies a significant position in China’s bridge-building history with special scientific and historical value for researchers. Today, there are over 100 well-preserved wooden arch bridges existing in China, of which 54 are scattering in Ningde of Fujian, and the 19 distinct bridges in Shouning County can be regarded as the Best Collection in China. Pingnan is another county with as many as 61 arch bridges, of which 15 are wooden ones (13 are preserved in history). As carriers of traditional craftsmanship the arch bridges function as both communication tools and venues. They are important gathering places for local residents to exchange information, entertain, worship and deepen relationships and cultural identity. The cultural space created by traditional Chinese arch bridges has provided an environment for encouraging communication, understanding and respect among human beings. 


